13 Key Stats That Prove The Rise of Consumers & Employee As Micro-Influencers

Influencer Marketing

Are you looking for some interesting numbers that prove the Rise of consumer and employee micro-influencers in the modern day? Not yet convinced about why you should be seriously considering Advocacy Marketing? Here are some interesting statistics.

13 Key Stats Proves the rise of Consumer and employee micro-influencers in the modern day

  1. By 2020, ad blocking is estimated to cost publishers $35 billion in revenue (Source: Edelman Digital 2017 Trends Report)
  2. Online reviews have become the most trusted advertising after peer-peer recommendations. 70 percent of consumers look for product reviews before making buying decisions while 92 percent trust online reviews as compared to branded content (Source: Nielsen)
  3. More than 200 million active ad block users globally (Source: Page Fair)
  4. 84% of consumers trust peer-peer recommendations over brand advertising (Source: Nielsen)
  5. Micro-influencers have up to 22.2 times more conversations than regular consumers regarding product and purchase recommendations (Source: Wharton School, Experticity and the Keller Fay Group)
  6. The click-through rate (CTR) of an employee’s shared content is 2x more than the company (Source: LinkedIn)
  7. Influencer marketing is highly effective in building awareness as compared to traditional advertising (Source: Nielsen)
  8. 59% of consumers prefer to follow the brand based on authenticity of its content (Source: Pardot)
  9. 70% of consumers rely on social networks before making purchase decisions (Source: ODM Group).
  10. Social media accounts with 1000 followers have 8% engagement rate compared to 1.7% from million-followers (Source: MARKERLY)
  11. 82% of consumers are “highly likely” to adopt micro-influencers recommendation (Source: Wharton School, Experticity, and the Keller Fay Group)
  12. Family and friends have emerged as the top trusted sources on social media (Source: Nielsen)
  13. 6 in 10 Americans rely on social media as a news source (Source: Pew Research Center)

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