Build Quality Leads With Influencer Marketing

Build Quality Leads With Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has disrupted the traditional advertising system and is an emerging trend that can help your brand drive quality traffic to maximize sales. The best way to build brand awareness in a digital space is to utilize key influential individuals to form a meaning relationship with target audiences. Employees, clients, stakeholders, and customers can all act as micro-influencers of your brand and endorse it on social communication platforms. Harnessing the power of social influencer marketing is an incredibly smart tactic as a majority of customers trust recommendations from an independent third party rather than conventional channels of brand advertisement.

A survey by Hubspot has revealed that 71 percent of consumers are more likely to make a purchase based on a social media reference.

Influencer marketing tools are readily available in the market today, and all major companies have recognized that their micro-influencers are a valuable resource that can help them maximize lead generation. Influencer marketing platforms give you access to a wide base of communities and allow your trusted brand partners to interact at close quarters with a highly engaged audience.

Influencers generally have between 1,000 and 1, 00,000 followers on social media platforms and can create high levels of digital brand engagement. Your influencers may have a small audience base, but they wield power to sway their followers towards your brand. Here is a guide that will make sure that your influencer marketing campaign remains on the right track:

Find The Right Influencers:
Scan your internal and external environment to put together a team of passionately involved influencers. Get in touch with your influencers, find out what drives them and encourage them to tell your brand story in a positive way. Gain more visibility for your micro-influencers by tagging them as an expert resource and recommending them to prospective clients for authentic feedback. Remember, choose quality over quantity – it’s better to have a smaller number of influencers but what is really important is their personal and emotional engagement with a loyal fan base. So, go ahead and tap into the latent potential of your influencers to watch your advocacy marketing campaign go full throttle.
Define Important Business Metrics:
One of the major factors that will determine the overall success of your influencer marketing campaign is the selection of performance metrics that you are targeting. Is your social media influencer program aimed at increasing social reach, pushing up sale figures, amplifying brand value or enhancing customer retention? Define your key performance indicators and communicate them to your brand influencers. You need to monitor progress and align your influencer marketing strategy to the long-term brand vision of your company. Use social media trend reporting and business analytical tools to assess if your influencers are making a significant difference in target communities. Key performance indicators will give direction to your social influencer marketing program and help you join forces with your trusted micro-influencers.
Focus on Your Target Base:
Make sure your ecosystem of micro-influencers is aware of the target audience and caters to the right content to keep them hooked on! Influencers employ their impact on specialized niches which helps them earn the reputation of a trusted domain expert in a particular field. Prospective clients view them as genuine sources of information, and their opinions have a massive bearing on driving brand affinity. Your influencers are instrumental social assets and form lifelong relationships with your customers. Propagate the right social platforms and motivate your squad of influencers to share content actively on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and Pinterest to magnify your social reach. Form a valuable brand-customer relationship through influencer marketing platforms that will propel your company to business success.
Encourage Organic Content:
A true influencer is deeply passionate about your brand and can weave magic with words to generate brand loyalty for your product/service in the digital socio-sphere. Your influencers need to feed audiences with exceptional content that strikes a chord with them. Make sure you utilize the power of influencer marketing tools to find out which topics drive followership on social media. Encourage your trusted micro-influencers to curate engaging content that drives two-way-communication to form a personal connection with prospective clients. Your influencer marketing campaign should aim at content which creates a buzz on social media and amplifies your brand awareness levels. Curating engaging content is the secret ingredient that can guarantee your influencer marketing campaign will boost up bottom line results.

Influencer marketing is an effective channel to thrust web traffic and optimize lead generation. Leverage the impact of your influencer marketing campaign to create a win-win situation for your company, brand and customer base.

You can also CONTACT SOCXO to get customized solutions for advocacy marketing.

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