Harness the Digital Skills of Your Employees and Customers

Harness the Digital Skills of Your Employees and Customers

Harness the Digital Skills that are already there in your employees and customers and you’ll find that you’re having way more exposure online than before!

Brand Development Strategies

The skills are already there

  • It isn’t only millennials who are actively pursuing digital skills, but older generations of the workforce are on it too!
  • 35% of 45-54-year-olds and 23% of 55 years and over respectively, seeking advice or training on designing and building mobile applications.
  • Just under half of the 45-54-year-olds are doing the same for coding and creating online content.

Source: 2015 report by Forbes

5 ways to harness these skills

  • Identify core areas of strength in your workforce.
  • Align your advocacy objectives with their skills so they can help you achieve them.
  • Use their cross-platform skills to reach various groups of people via a medium that the target market is comfortable using.
  • Harness their digital skills by getting them to use these for your brand’s benefit.
  • Encourage them to post photos of your products with appropriate hashtags and reward them for it.


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