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advocacy marketing programs

Brand Advocacy Pitfalls to Avoid

Five Brand Advocacy Landmines and How to Avoid Them

What drives employees to be engaged with the brand? What makes some folk get the bigger picture while many don’t? And that, is one of the major focus areas of marketing within the organisation...
Content Marketing Strategy

Mantra to dressing up your follower’s timelines: Get different.

What is that you consume on a daily basis but it doesn’t show on you? Content! Web content, to be precise! It is fascinating to think that we are almost, at all times exposed...
Employee Advocacy Benefits

Advocacy Marketing as a Channel for Digital Marketing

The digitally enriched business landscape is a perfect launch pad to collaborate with your most important organizational assets – an engaged set of employees, delighted customers, and trusted partners. The modern marketer has realized...
5 Key Steps to Building an Advocacy Marketing Program

5 Key Steps to Building an Advocacy Marketing Program

Here is a presentation on 5 key steps to building an advocacy marketing program. Today, social media opens up a new world of advocacy opportunities to tap and motivate important marketing assets- Employees, Customers...
Advocacy Planning

4 Compelling Reasons Why Brands Should Invest in Advocacy Marketing

We here at team SOCXO love advocacy marketing. In fact, that’s why we’ve worked so hard to bring you the social advocacy marketing platform that can transform your employees, customers and partners into trusted...
Advocacy Marketing Programs

5 Key Steps in Advocacy Marketing Program

A Weber Shandwick study estimated that 50% of US employees are active in sharing content on their employers. Today, social media opens up a new world of advocacy opportunities to tap and motivate important...