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brand advocacy

Brand Advocacy: A Comprehensive Guide.

Good branding is at the heart of any successful business. We all know that and so we get on to achieving brand visibility – social sharing, billboards, glossy brochures … the works. But the...
Build Trust in Times of Crisis

Businesses, Take Note: Build Trust in Times of Crisis.

“I would rather lose money than trust.” Robert Bosch Never before have these words rung truer than they do today when the world has been brought buckling down to its knees – with no...
Growth Hacking Social Media Engagement Organically.

Growth hacking Social Media Engagement… Organically.

Growth Hacking is much less a freak chance than it is the result of a series of deliberate steps taken to expand exponentially. One of them is a focussing your attention to drive business...
Brand Advocacy and SEO

Brand Advocacy and SEO. It’s Tango time!

Let’s start this by asking do you think SEO can be impacted through Advocacy? Ever thought about it? To any marketer worth his salt, the value of positive press is a no brainer. Yet,...
Partner Advocacy

Partner Advocacy: Power up your Channel Partners to surge ahead.

Let’s face it. The buzz around marketing technology and media and the thinning of lines between marketing and sales is reaching a tipping point. Indirect sales is where Channel Partners come in. This is...
Content Curation

The Top 3 Ways to Create Shareable Content.

How do you go about your content creation? It’s okay if you shook your head and blinked. It’s even okay if you took a quick furtive look around you to see if anyone’s watching....
Brand Advocacy Metrics

Brand Advocacy Metrics that Matter

It doesn’t matter where you are on your advocacy journey – one thing you need to be downright sure about is how you’re going to measure the impact of your efforts. Enter the world of...
Brand Advocates

5 Things You Shouldn’t Do When Rewarding Brand Advocates.

So you have an army of Brand Advocates, all rounded up, wrapped up in a bow, and raring to go. What next? Okay, maybe that was pushing it. Let’s break it down. You have...
Organic Reach Growth

Top Five Ways to Tackle Vanishing Organic Reach

Has social media-enabled organic reach reached its end? The numbers aren’t encouraging enough. Organic reach on social media is essentially how effectively your posts perform without a financial push. And given the pace at...
Brand Advocacy Pitfalls to Avoid

Five Brand Advocacy Landmines and How to Avoid Them

What drives employees to be engaged with the brand? What makes some folk get the bigger picture while many don’t? And that, is one of the major focus areas of marketing within the organisation...
User Generated Content

UGC: Open sesame for a Goldmine of genuine engagement and business.

From Nike to Calvin Klein, Starbucks to Adobe to Burger King, everyone’s done User-Generated Content (UGC) campaigns. While some of them have lasted a few days, others have gone on for months (#MyOreoCreation).  So...
Earned Media Value

Earned media value: Go for it every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

Remember the age-old saying “you get what you pay for?” Besides your mum thrashing it into your head growing up, it used to be the mantra of the marketing world too, till social media...
Customer Advocacy

Customer Advocacy: Your Ace for Marketing Success.

In today’s supercharged market conditions, anything short of amazing customer focus is simply not good enough. Delighted customers are the most influential weapon in your marketing arsenal, making them the most natural advocates for...
Micro Influencers

How to Leverage Customers as Micro Influencers.

When customers speak about your brand. They endorse you for the experiences they’ve had with you. However big or small. And that’s not all. They also embed trust in the message they transmit.
Influencer Marketing

Enter the Micro-influencers. Your best partners in marketing.

Influencer marketing. A buzz which is going through a mash-up. From a high of the last couple years to being the bad boy of digital marketing. Thanks the scams and quantitative approach taken by...
Customer Relationship

Your consumers are listening one step ahead of your marketing game.

Call it a colossal Orwellian backfire! Just when everyone is talking about consumers being the products in social media. The game is being played elsewhere. In their personal networks. Why should I talk to...
Employee Advocacy

Brand Advocacy as a marketing channel to power-up your digital marketing.

The digital mediascape is a perfect launch pad to collaborate as a brand. And, who better to work with, than your most important business assets. Your engaged employees, happy customers or trusted partners… Employee...
Content Marketing Strategy

Mantra to dressing up your follower’s timelines: Get different.

What is that you consume on a daily basis but it doesn’t show on you? Content! Web content, to be precise! It is fascinating to think that we are almost, at all times exposed...
Brand Advocacy

How To Build A Thriving Community For Brand Advocacy?

Acquiring & retaining a loyal community for brand advocacy is indispensable to a business for sustaining its digital presence and reputation. Much like the consumer community, B2B marketers are increasingly placing their buying decision...
Brand Advocacy

Let Your Employees Quantify The Success Of Your Brand Advocacy Efforts

There has been a radical shift in the way organizations perceive their employees. The role of employees is no longer restricted to merely contributing for business functions, skill sets and industry expertise. As we...