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influencer marketing platform

Influencer Marketing Tips

Influencer Marketing: Blue-eyed Baby or Brat?

While a lot has been said about Influencer Marketing, many of which, have been indicative of the latter, truth be told, it actually has immense potential to be the former – given the right...
Influencer Marketing

Enter the Micro-influencers. Your best partners in marketing.

Influencer marketing. A buzz which is going through a mash-up. From a high of the last couple years to being the bad boy of digital marketing. Thanks the scams and quantitative approach taken by...
Customer Relationship

Your consumers are listening one step ahead of your marketing game.

Call it a colossal Orwellian backfire! Just when everyone is talking about consumers being the products in social media. The game is being played elsewhere. In their personal networks. Why should I talk to...
Employee Advocacy

Brand Advocacy as a marketing channel to power-up your digital marketing.

The digital mediascape is a perfect launch pad to collaborate as a brand. And, who better to work with, than your most important business assets. Your engaged employees, happy customers or trusted partners… Employee...