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social media influencer

The Social Media Brand Ambassador Program Playbook

Did you know: 54% of social media users use the platform to research brands, while 71% of consumers are more likely to complete a purchase based on a social media referral! And that, is...
Growth Hacking Social Media Engagement Organically.

Growth hacking Social Media Engagement… Organically.

Growth Hacking is much less a freak chance than it is the result of a series of deliberate steps taken to expand exponentially. One of them is a focussing your attention to drive business...
Social Media Trends

The Anti-Trends: 11 Social Media Trends That’ll Die in 2020.

Let’s cut to the chase this time. It’s the end of the year, you’ve got your foot nearly out the door. You don’t have the inclination for yet another Social Media Trends post. But then,...
Earned Media Value

Earned media value: Go for it every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

Remember the age-old saying “you get what you pay for?” Besides your mum thrashing it into your head growing up, it used to be the mantra of the marketing world too, till social media...
Social Media Employee Advocacy

Learn How Social Media Influencers Can Build Brand Awareness

Do you harness the power of social media to generate quality leads for your business? Have you chalked out a social communication strategy for your organization? Are you putting out regular authentic brand-related content...