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word of mouth marketing

Viral Marketing

Viral Marketing: Pure Dumb Luck or Strategy?

Carter Wilkerson’s quest for Wendy’s chicken nuggets. The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. The Subservient Chicken. The Epic Split. What comes to mind? Messaging that spread at the speed of a replicating virus – an...
Employee Advocacy

Brand Advocacy as a marketing channel to power-up your digital marketing.

The digital mediascape is a perfect launch pad to collaborate as a brand. And, who better to work with, than your most important business assets. Your engaged employees, happy customers or trusted partners… Employee...
Word Of Mouth Marketing

Employee Advocacy – Is it the next generation word of mouth marketing?

Word-of-Mouth Marketing has always been the best weapon in a marketer’s arsenal. A study by Ogilvy, Google and TNS says that 74% of consumers identify word-of-mouth as a key influencer in their purchasing decision! For those of you who...