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advocacy marketing

Create Brand Advocates

5 Tips to Convert your Customers into Brand Advocates

TRUE or FALSE? – Customer satisfaction is the end goal of your business efforts. If your answer is a resounding “yes, it’s TRUE”, it might surprise you to know that you are only partly...
Advocacy Marketing Stats

Five Stats about Advocacy Marketing

Advocacy Marketing is the best form of marketing at the moment and looks like it will be the preferred form of marketing for years to come. We are not just saying it! Here are...
Brands should invest in advocacy marketing

4 Compelling Reasons Why Brands Should Invest in Advocacy Marketing

What is advocacy marketing and the reasons to invest in it? Advocacy marketing focuses on getting your current employees, influencers, customers and partners to share their positive experiences with your company to other people...
Brand Advocacy Success

4 Guidelines to Measure Your Brand Advocacy Success

Is it possible to calculate the success of an advocacy campaign? Yes. we have given guidelines to measure brand advocacy success in the infographic below. How do you calculate the success of an advocacy...
Employee Advocacy Program

Encouraging Employee Advocacy – Is Gamification the answer?

To gamify or not to gamify is the question. By now, there is no doubt on anyone’s mind that employee advocacy plays a key role in boosting brand visibility. As reiterated by the 2016...
Word Of Mouth

What are the Different Components of Advocacy?

Here is a presentation on what are the different components of advocacy? The advocates spread positive word-of-mouth recommendation about your company brand and performance. Some of the most popular components of advocacy are:
Advocacy Marketing Efforts

5 Tips to Improve Your Advocacy Marketing Efforts

Here is a presentation on 5 tips to improve your advocacy marketing efforts. Advocacy Marketing is the best thing that could ever happen to your business; there is no doubt about that! But it...
5 Key Steps to Building an Advocacy Marketing Program

5 Key Steps to Building an Advocacy Marketing Program

Here is a presentation on 5 key steps to building an advocacy marketing program. Today, social media opens up a new world of advocacy opportunities to tap and motivate important marketing assets- Employees, Customers...
Brand Advocacy Campaigns

4 Guidelines to Measure Your Brand Advocacy Success

You know it, and we know it – a basic tenet of any marketing campaign is that it needs a way to measure its success. However, each campaign is different and so unfortunately there’s...
Advocacy Planning

4 Compelling Reasons Why Brands Should Invest in Advocacy Marketing

We here at team SOCXO love advocacy marketing. In fact, that’s why we’ve worked so hard to bring you the social advocacy marketing platform that can transform your employees, customers and partners into trusted...
Three Employee Engagement Activities

Three Employee Engagement Activities That You Can Start Doing Now

How engaged are your employees? Are you looking for more employee engagement activities to get them engaged? Well before planning activities and crunching numbers, realise that employee engagement is a mindset. Your employees are...
5 Ways to Grow Employee Brand Advocates

5 Ways to Grow Employee Brand Advocates

We’ve said it here before at Team SOCXO and we’ll say it again: Your most valuable sales people, marketers, advertisers, influencers, spokespersons, advocates are your employees! As brand advocates, your employees have huge selling power....
Advocacy Marketing

What is Advocacy Marketing

Advocacy Marketing harnesses the power of your employees, customers and partners to transform them into trusted brand advocates. Advocacy marketing has become a popular buzzword in today’s digital world. Unleash the power of advocacy...
Employee Engagement to Kickstart Employee Advocacy

Why you need Employee Engagement to Kickstart Employee Advocacy

There is an intrinsic link between employee engagement and employee advocacy and Team SOCXO has brought this out in earlier blogs. Both are co-dependant on each other and an equal measure of effort needs...
Employee Engagement Drives Employee Advocacy

How Employee Engagement Drives Employee Advocacy

Speaking about how his sailors came to be such a tight unit, Mike Abrashoff former Commander of the USS Benfold, said: “It all came down to employee engagement. It all came down to recognition....
Employee Advocacy

Key Benefits of an Employee Advocacy Program

Employee Advocacy is a strategic, sustainable, organic program that drives employees to promote the organization (brand) that they work for. Socxo is a leading Brand Advocacy platform that helps brands build, manage, and measure social media...
Advocacy Ideas

Why brands need to invest in Advocacy Marketing

Advocacy Marketing is an excellent investment if you want to increase your brand advocate base and maximise the reach of your marketing efforts. Key Stats that Prove Advocacy is Crucial Just 20% of brands...
Five Goals to Consider in Using Advocacy Marketing

Five Goals to Consider in Using Advocacy Marketing

Advocacy marketing, like any other form of marketing, requires key goals to get the real outcomes for your business. Here are 5 goals from Socxo that helps you improve your advocacy marketing efforts. Improve...
Bulding an Advocacy Marketing Program

5 Key Steps to Building an Advocacy Marketing Program

Today, social media opens up a new world of Advocacy Opportunities to tap and motivate important marketing assets – employees, customers and partners. Establish Clear Objectives: The first and foremost step is to establish...
Advocacy Marketing Efforts

5 Tips to Improve Your Advocacy Marketing Efforts

Advocacy Marketing is the best thing that could ever happen to your business; there is no doubt about that! But it isn’t enough to set the ball rolling. Advocacy Marketing, like any other form...