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advocacy marketing

Social Media Employee Advocacy

Learn How Social Media Influencers Can Build Brand Awareness

Do you harness the power of social media to generate quality leads for your business? Have you chalked out a social communication strategy for your organization? Are you putting out regular authentic brand-related content...
Simplifying Advocacy Marketing

Simplifying Advocacy Marketing

The end goal of any marketing strategy is to forge deep and meaningful connections with your customer base and what could be a better way to do so than harnessing the latent power of...
Build Quality Leads With Influencer Marketing

Build Quality Leads With Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has disrupted the traditional advertising system and is an emerging trend that can help your brand drive quality traffic to maximize sales. The best way to build brand awareness in a digital...
Brand Advocates

Shape Thought Leadership Through Your Brand Advocates

The hype over brand advocacy is at an all-time high – it has captured the interest of marketers, researchers, academicians and business honchos as an emerging trend which will define the future of marketing....
Social Media Content – The Key to Advocacy Marketing Success

Social Media Content – The Key to Advocacy Marketing Success

There is no better way to promote your brand than utilizing the untapped power of social media! If your employees’ and partners act as your trusted third-party cheerleaders on social media instruments, you can...
Influencer Marketing

13 Key Stats That Prove The Rise of Consumers & Employee As Micro-Influencers

Are you looking for some interesting numbers that prove the Rise of consumer and employee micro-influencers in the modern day? Not yet convinced about why you should be seriously considering Advocacy Marketing? Here are...
Influencer Marketing Strategy

How to Identify Your Customers as Micro-Influencers

Goodby influencers. Hello, Micro-influencers. If there’s one thing that businesses and brands need to invest in, it’s trust. And that is what’s delivered when you connect authentic Customers as Micro-Influencers to your marketing programs....
Employee Advocacy Benefits

Advocacy Marketing as a Channel for Digital Marketing

The digitally enriched business landscape is a perfect launch pad to collaborate with your most important organizational assets – an engaged set of employees, delighted customers, and trusted partners. The modern marketer has realized...
Advocacy Marketing For E-Commerce

Is Advocacy Marketing Helpful for E – Commerce Platforms?

Online marketing has completely revolutionized the way we shop! There is an explosion of e-commerce firms in the digital space and the retail industry is thriving in the era of internet supremacy. The modern...
Drive ROI

How Advocacy Marketing Can Drive ROI for Marketing Campaigns

Advocates are a company’s best salespersons! There’s no doubt that advocacy marketing can transform the way you pitch your brand out in a world that is bombarded by digital content. Having your brand promoted...
Advocacy Marketing Affects

How Advocacy Marketing Affects Paid Vs Earned Media

Advocacy is the new buzzword in the marketing world! Researchers, marketers, business strategists, and advertisers are all pitching forward the concept of advocacy marketing as a tool that can completely revolutionize your bottom line...

Power up Employee Engagement through Gamification.

A gamified employee advocacy program should improve the professional development and personal brand of employee brand advocates. Gamification. A much-abused word. But in the real sense a great way to generate engagement for your...
Employee Advocacy Guide

Employee advocacy Terms: A quick guide to Employee, Social and Brand Advocacy

You may have heard the term employee advocacy being used often by marketing experts in the last few years. That’s because it is a social media strategy that has proven to be profitable for...
Kickstart your Employee Advocacy Program

Kickstart your Employee Advocacy Program with these Easy Steps! – Part 2

In Part 1 of this write-up, we took you through the ways in which you can kickstart your employee advocacy program and communicate its requirements to your employees. The final stages of the program...
Kickstart your Employee Advocacy Program

Kickstart your Employee Advocacy Program with these Easy Steps! – Part 1

If there’s one thing that separates a good brand from a great one, it’s how well it can create a special connection with its employees. The best advocacy programs empower employees to speak their...
Engaged Employees

Employee Engagement – Is Your Organization Ready?

It would seem that the whole buzz around employee engagement is a mere passing trend, however, it couldn’t be further from the truth. Employee engagement matters to the productivity of an organization and has...
Employee Advocacy Marketing Campaign

Boost Your Marketing Campaign with Employee Advocacy

Businesses can leverage on their employees to improve their brand’s reachability and the performance of their marketing campaigns. This can help reduce the overall spend on marketing that businesses incur annually. The answer lies...
Employee Advocacy Need

Employee Advocacy: The Need of the Hour

Employee advocacy refers to companies empowering their employees to share content with their social networks. At first glance, it might seem like a metric that pays off in ‘soft benefits’. While there are indeed...
Social face

The Social Face of Politics

Over the last few years, social media has played a pivotal role in several elections throughout the globe. From the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi to Donald Trump, the newly elected President of...
Advocacy Marketing For B2B Market

Advocacy Marketing for the B2B Market? YES it works!

Does Advocacy Marketing work for the B2B Market? The answer is a resounding YES. Though Advocacy Marketing has seen unrivalled success in the B2C market, sceptics have raised doubts on whether this would work...