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advocacy marketing

Customer Relationship

Your consumers are listening one step ahead of your marketing game.

Call it a colossal Orwellian backfire! Just when everyone is talking about consumers being the products in social media. The game is being played elsewhere. In their personal networks. Why should I talk to...
Employee Advocacy

Brand Advocacy as a marketing channel to power-up your digital marketing.

The digital mediascape is a perfect launch pad to collaborate as a brand. And, who better to work with, than your most important business assets. Your engaged employees, happy customers or trusted partners… Employee...
Content Marketing Strategy

Mantra to dressing up your follower’s timelines: Get different.

What is that you consume on a daily basis but it doesn’t show on you? Content! Web content, to be precise! It is fascinating to think that we are almost, at all times exposed...
Advocacy Marketing Platform

How Socxo The Advocacy Marketing Platform Works For The Financial Sector

Regulated industries such as Financial services – Insurance, Banking have strict communication policies in place, which makes us question whether Advocacy marketing can be effective under such restrictive conditions? The truth be told, regulated...
advocacy marketing impact of employee communication engagement

Advocacy Marketing: Impact of Employee Communication & Engagement

If done right, employee communication and engagement have the power to send ripples of positivity in the work atmosphere. Employee engagement is the fuel that sets the wheels of employee advocacy into motion. Here...
Advocacy Marketing Content

How to A/B Test Your Advocacy Marketing Content

If not everyone, most of us have a plan A, B, & N that guides us through our lives. Similarly, companies often make backup or contingency plans as well. For instance, marketing & sales...
Advocacy Marketing For Organic Traffic

Boost Organic Traffic with Advocacy Marketing

Organic traffic has been dwindling and there is no guarantee that a brand’s social media posts will receive the desired attention. Smaller and lesser-known brands have an even harder time being featured and noticed...
Successful Advocacy Program

What Makes A Successful Advocacy Marketing Program?

Advocacy Marketing has carved a unique identity as a powerful marketing strategy of the digital era. By unleashing it, brands can encourage & actively engage their stakeholders to provide third-party validation and positive relevance...
Advocacy Vs. Paid Marketing

Why Brands Should Prefer Advocacy Marketing Over Paid Marketing

Most businesses & brands consider paid marketing as one of the promising strategies to garner greater visibility & reach. Attracting instant traffic to websites, enabling complete control on the content management as well as...

How Advocacy Marketing Can Save Brands From The FAKE NEWS Crisis

Advocacy marketing has evolved as one of the go-to marketing strategies of the digital age. Enabling employees, customers, and partners with a voice & amplifying it to refurbish the way a brand is perceived...
Advocacy Marketing Benefits

What Is in It for End Users in an Advocacy Marketing Platform?

Although organizations reap business benefits through advocacy marketing, how does it help the ones using the platform on a day-to-day basis? How does it empower the end users such as the employee advocates, who...
Band Content Marketing Strategy

Advocacy Marketing Is All About Content Marketing

Including employees, customers and partners in co-creating brand communication and amplifying its reach & engagement has redefined advocacy marketing as the go-to marketing strategy of the recent times. Mention it advocacy marketing, brand advocacy...
Social Media Advocacy

Why Social Media Advocacy Is The New Black

When a brand’s employees or customers share the brand content with their personal social connections, they are advocating for the brand. In simpler terms they are contributing for social media advocacy. Rather than the...
Grow Business Using Advocacy Marketing

How To Grow Your Business With Advocacy Marketing

According to a Nielsen report, 83% people trust recommendations from people they know. Trust has become the new marketing currency. With trust as its base, advocacy marketing has evolved as an essential aspect for...

Three Ways To Measure Advocacy Marketing Program’s Success

Advocacy marketing is potential for brand building, amplifying social reach and nurturing meaningful relationships with their key stakeholders. Undoubtedly, it is trending in the business realm and is the best way brands can stay...
Customer Advocacy Importance

Customer Advocacy – An Essential Aspect Of Advocacy Marketing

Advocacy marketing enables brands to encourage their stakeholders to express positive sentiment about the brand, its products, and services. The stakeholders may be a brand’s employees, customers, partners, and investors. Brands that harness the...
Customer Advocacy Marketing

Is It Beneficial For Partners And Customers To Be A Part Of Advocacy Marketing?

Advocacy marketing proves to be an excellent investment for today’s digital-savvy businesses. It entails amplifying brand reach, by encouraging employees, customers and partners to speak on behalf of your brand. While there are wide...
Advocacy Marketing Support Online Reputation Management

How does Advocacy Marketing Support Online Reputation Management?

Advocacy marketing can positively impact a brand by not only improving its reach and visibility but also its online reputation among customers. We live in an age where word spreads faster than it can...

What is the Difference Between Advocacy Marketing & Paid Marketing?

Advocacy marketing has been popularised among business strategists and marketers. It is popularly being adopted by an organization as it builds stronger brand relationships. The best customers and employees of any company are the...
Influencer Marketing Strategy

4 Habits of Highly Influential Advocacy Marketers

Advocacy Marketers are the new age digital transformers who can make sure your organization increases its overall bottom line profits in a competitive business battlefield! Traditional marketing techniques have lost their sheen, and the...